Quantum Body Optimization
Formerly (Quantum Angelic Cleanse) is a deep cleansing and body optimization service that can resolve a lot of life's issues for a person. This is excellent for those who want to go through the Quantum Karmic Cleanse. A body scan reading is performed to find out what ails the person and how to resolve it. The Quantum body optimization consist of repairing of the 4 bodies and the auric field. Cleansing of all chakras and rebalancing in the body.
Healing from past trauma's and removal of implants and microchips. Cleansing of the blood, repairing tears and energetic leakages as well as removal of energetic and physical parasites.
The results are peace of mind, light heartedness, happiness and joy. Upgrades and attunements and healing of the body and removal of nano particles. Nano particle removal is a add on and cannot be purchased with out the Quantum Body Optimization. Removal of blockages and witch craft and negative energy. Removal of spirit attachments and energetic chords and old timelines. You will come out feeling like a brand new person.
After Care is a must so I added the cost for 2 sessions of aftercare in the full pricing so myself or my team can help you integrate to the new version of yourself. To purchase extra After Care sessions go to that section of the website.
There are no refunds on services no exceptions and once you pay you agree to these terms.
There is a 75.00 no show fee that will be added if you do a no show. If we schedule you again and you do a no email, no show it will be a forfeit fee of an additional 75.00 and no consultation. If you cannot make it make sure you send an email 24 hours in advance.
Warning: All sessions require clearance you must provide your full birth name and you must request clearance via the contact us section of the website. If you do not request clearance prior to purchase you will forfeit your money if you do not receive clearance all sales are final.