Spiritual Cleansing Services
Get your Angelic/Ancestral Cleanse and protection. Removes blockages,
cleanses the aura and chakra's. Removes heaviness and negative energy and you gain angelic protection. Receive messages from and directions from your angels and your ancestors.
Demonic/Archon Removal - Removes Demons from out of your body and all attachments including archons. Cleanse them out of your home so you can have a peace of mind. Yes do assist in helping children and other family members that may have been exposed.
Succubus/Incubus Removal - These sex demons are very annoying and hard to get rid of but with our experienced team we can get rid of them and return you back to your peaceful self.
Chord Cutting Cleanse - We remove all energetic chords that no longer serve a purpose in your life. We actually pull these chords from the root so they won't have the ability to come back.
There are no refunds on services no exceptions and once you pay you agree to these terms.
There is a 75.00 no show fee that will be added if you do a no show. If we schedule you again and you do a no email, no show it will be a forfeit fee of an additional 75.00 and no consultation. If you cannot make it make sure you send an email 24 hours in advance.
Warning: All sessions require clearance you must provide your full birth name and you must request clearance via the contact us section of the website. If you do not request clearance prior to purchase you will forfeit your money if you do not receive clearance all sales are final.