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Why Now?

Writer's picture: Isis WisdomIsis Wisdom

Source revealed to me about a month ago that the collective has decided to heal. In order to heal, you have to confront your shadow side. That means energetically if the collective decided to heal, it

means they agreed to have their shadow exposed.

We are out of the age of Pisces, which was the age of deception, where you could keep things hidden. This can no longer be done. Does this make any of you feel uncomfortable? It should be because healing is never comfortable.

Some folks got shaken to the core the other day, and it's because they built their whole construct based around a lie. When your foundations begin to shake, it can be a very scary thing.

We judge other people's shadows as if we don't have any. Like some how because some of us don't deal with or have certain experiences they are some how better than others. You are no different. You just never seen yourself. Most people don't ever see themselves and how they come off to others.

Anger, an over inflated ego, projections, insulting others, telling lies, narcissism, spreading division, etc. are all traits and characteristics that will never allow you to ascend. Pretending that your shadow is just fine the way that it is without healing, it will not allow you to move forward.

It's a judgment you and you alone brought down upon yourself. Nobody outside of you has done this, but you. As source has so clearly broke it down to me. The only judgment that humanity suffers from is their own judgment of themselves.


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Gabrielle Gude
Gabrielle Gude
Jul 13, 2024

💯.. 223 is the date u posted this, those are extremely powerful numbers combined it means transformation, it's the day I had my awakening ... but I can't get over how it ties in with what you are saying ... u r so it!! I remember clicking on your live an just feeling this healing essence, it made me laugh an u hadnt even spoke yet, told my son instantly that you have angels around you . ❤️


Audrey Sherman
Audrey Sherman
Jun 30, 2024

Greetings Mama Isis!!!! ❤️💕 I just joined the membership. But You absolutely right about everything you say!!! It’s a hard pill to swallow, but I’m definitely ready to heal. I’m tired of going on how I been going on. Things got to change, if I want to move forward, it’s the only way at this point!


May 04, 2024

This message resonates, thank you ma'am 💫


Feb 25, 2024

Love thy self first

Replying to



Asia S Roker
Asia S Roker
Feb 25, 2024

Your words are true and clear. Yes, Shadow work is much needed to heal one's true self. Much gratitude for your words 😇

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